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History Is Wrong
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 6 hours and 11 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Audible.com Release Date: March 28, 2011
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
The book was good except the author's pages of complaining. I don't blame him for complaining, but it went on and on. after that it was very interesting. I have read other books of his which were the reason I chose to read this one. However, the on & on complaining took some of the enjoyment out of the book.
Tip of the iceberg. There is much to explore for humankind to understand an elusive past and present. Eric von Däniken has opened doors for further exploration in areas of high strangeness and challenged misleading dogma. His and others work give humankind an alternative view that resists obsessive negativists and their incomplete investigations.
I've loved Mr. Von Daniken's works, and have all the English volumes available. He's opened a new world for me, and one I love. It reaches to the stars and beyond!
Fast shipping. Great price!
As expected this book is full of surprising news about the past. There is a lot of probable cause and reasoned inference. However, after finishing the book, I felt like there was a lot left to read about but the things to be read have not yet happened or cannot be made available. The book opens with a reference to some strange writings from the past but we never quite get around to this material except to say that it remains a mystery. The connections to the Mormons with respect to metal tablets in Equador is reasonable except that we do not close on this from either Equador or New York where the Mormons got their start.All in all the reading is exciting but incomplete, leaving one to speculate as to the outcome if more discoveries were made. Those with a preconceived notion about the future will no doubt be happy as will those without a clue, which group will remain in that condition.
Great author with original thoughts
I actually enjoyed his very first book and so decided to give this one a try because of the positive reviews. I found this book to be a poorly written, rambling mess of incoherent ideas.
Love this book
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